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Image : Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionen plus

The EvoKE Project – Evolutionary Knowledge for Everyone: building scientific literacy in evolution in Europe. Ein Referat im Rahmen von Science at Noon.

By Tania Jenkins, PhD; Gründungsmitglied von The EvoKE Project und Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bei den Akademien der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz SCNAT.


12:15 - 13:00

Lieu de l'événement

Haus der Akademien
Laupenstrasse 7
3008 Bern

Lieu de rendez-vous

Cantina dell'Accademia, im UG

Evolution is the cornerstone of modern biology and underpins aspects such as the nature we live in, the food and health. A better understanding of evolution is of high societal relevance and shapes public attitudes towards climate change, conservation, food security and modern medicine. However, it is frequently misunderstood or even rejected outright. In Europe, we do not yet know how well accepted or understood evolution is.

The EvoKE project
Image : © The EvoKE project

EvoKE (Evolutionary Knowledge for Everyone) is a transdisciplinary network of researchers in evolutionary biology, education, communication, and practitioners: museum professionals, educators, media and policy makers united under two common goals: i) to assess the European public’s understanding and acceptance of evolution and ii) to promote the public understanding of evolution in Europe. We recently were awarded an EU COST Action to fund networking meetings to address these issues.

Convient aux

Age :
  • 18+
  • 20-40
  • 55+


Contenu : moyen

Interactivité : actif/passif

Dedans/dehors : à l'intérieur


Langues : Anglais
Exigences météo ? Non
Coût ? Non