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Immagine: Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitiondi più

Environmental impacts of production-consumption systems in Europe

Environmental Indicator Report 2014

This report of the European Environment Agency provides another perspective on the green economy transition, addressing the global value chains that meet European demand for goods and services. It sheds some light on Europe's production-consumption systems, what drives them and how they impact the environment, both in Europe and beyond. It also examines options for making them more sustainable. While indicators and analyses supporting this perspective are not well established and sparse, the report shows that ways of moving away from current unsustainable systems, technologies and behaviour need to be found, and systems in which Europeans' needs are met without using yet more resources or putting ever more pressures on the environment, including the climate, developed.

Environmental Indicator Report 2014: Environmental impacts of production-consumption systems in Europe


  • Effetti del cambiamento climatico