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Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ACP Award 2012

ACP Award 2012 goes to Iakovos Barmpadimos, PSI


The Awardee 2012 is Iakovos Barmpadimos from the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) at Villigen. He participated in the call with his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Trends and variability of airborne particulate matter in Switzerland and in Europe" that addresses the development of fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM10–PM2.5) particulate matter over the past almost two decades, which will have very important implications for the authorities dealing with air quality.

The prize giving ceremony was held at the end of Symposium 18 of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting on 17 November 2012 at University of Bern (room HG 205). Iakovos Barmpadimos gave an invited presentation with the title "Trends and variability of airborne particulate matter in Switzerland and in Europe". The link to this event can be found here (then select Session 18: Greenhouse Gases: Linkages between Biosphere and Climate).

The price was co-sponsered by: Meteotest, Bern



  • Climatologia, fisica dell'atmosfera, aeronomia