Das wissenschaftliche Kompetenzzentrum setzt sich für die Erforschung der Biodiversität ein. Es pflegt den Dialog und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaft und Verwaltung, Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in der Schweiz.mehr

Bild: LaMantarraya, stock.adobe.commehr

Links and Sources


Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN): www.bafu.admin.ch

FOEN ABS website:

Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft (BLW); www.blw.admin.ch
BLW, International, Agrobiodiversität und genetische Ressourcen: www.blw.admin.ch/blw/de/home/international/nachhaltigkeit/agrobiodiversitaet-genetische-ressourcen.html
BLW, Agroscope, Schweizer Forschung für Land- wirtschaft, Ernährung und Umwelt, Pflanzengenetische Ressourcen: www.agroscope.admin.ch/agroscope/de/home/themen/pflanzenbau/pflanzenzuechtung/ressources_genetiques.html

Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), Information on ABS for academic research: www.naturalsciences.ch/organisations/biodiversity/abs
Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), Agreement on Access and Benefit-sharing for Non-commercial Research – Sector specific approach containing Model Clauses: www.naturalsciences.ch/organisations/biodiversity/ abs/publications

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

General website: www.cbd.int
CBD text: www.cbd.int/convention/text
Nagoya Protocol, general website: www.cbd.int/abs
Nagoya Protocol, text: www.cbd.int/abs/text/default.shtml
ABS Clearing-House: absch.cbd.int
CBD Secretariat (2011) Access and benefit-sharing information kit: www.cbd.int/abs/information-kit-en

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

General website: www.planttreaty.org

ITPGRFA Text of the Convention and Annex 1: www.planttreaty.org/content/texts-treaty-official-versions

Collections included in the Multilateral System on Access and Benefit-sharing: www.planttreaty.org/inclusions

World Intellectual Property Organization

Searchable database of actual and model biodiversity-related access and benefit-sharing agreements with particular emphasis on the intellectual property aspects of such agreements: www.wipo.int/tk/en/databases/contracts/index.html

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

CITES general website: www.cites.org
CITES convention text: www.cites.org/eng/disc/text.php
CITES convention, Annexes: www.cites.org/eng/app/appendices.php

CITES Management Authority in Switzerland: Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office FSVO: www.cites.org/eng/cms/index.php/component/cp/country/CH

Register of scientific institutions entitled to the exemption for non-commercial donation, exchange or loan of listed species: www.cites.org/eng/common/reg/e_si.html

European Union

EU ABS website includes: Legislation, registered collections, background material and links: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/biodiversity/international/abs/index_en.htm


Bundesamt für Naturschutz, ABS Deutschland: www.bfn.de/index_abs+M52087573ab0.html

German Research Foundation
Supplementary Instructions for Funding Proposals Concerning Research Projects within the Scope of the CBD: www.dfg.de/formulare/1_021e/1_021e.pdf

Other Guidelines and Sources

International Institute for Sustainable Development

ABS Management tool: Best Practice Standard and Handbook for Implementing Genetic Resource Access and Benefit-sharing Activities.
A handbook that provides voluntary guidance to the users and providers of genetic resources and focuses on commercial research.

Provides useful guidance on negotiating partnerships: www.iisd.org/library?keys=ABS+Management+Tool+