Das Webportal «SCNAT wissen» schafft Orientierung. Die Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT) und ihr Netzwerk stellen den Stand des Wissens zusammen, auf Basis solider wissenschaftlicher Resultate und mit Bezug zur Schweiz – zuhanden von Politik, Verwaltung, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Praxis.mehr

Bild: Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionmehr

The Economics of Big Science

Essays by Leading Scientists and Policymakers Editors: Beck, Hans Peter, Charitos, Panagiotis (Eds.)

Presents a novel combination of essays with contributors from big research organizations, funding agencies and experts in economics

The Economics of Big Science

Short and easy-reading essays offer an understanding even for non-experts while including links for more in-depth further reading
Points the way to a global understanding of the challenges of measuring and maximizing the impact of research infrastructures based on academic literature and previous efforts

the description of the book is in: link


  • Elementarteilchenphysik
  • Volkswirtschaftslehre