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Bild: ESO, R. Fosburymehr

Balloon flight to commemorate the Albert Gockel's flight of 1909



On 25 January 2020, a balloon flight took place to commemorate Albert Gockel's flight of 1909, where he measured the ionisation of air up to 4500 m altitude. Even though Albert Gockel did not speak of cosmic rays at the time, and expressed some doubts about the reliability of his instruments, this Swiss physicist can still be counted among the discoverers of cosmic rays.

Balloon festival at Château-d'Oex
Bild: Pays d'Enhaut Tourisme

The commemoration flight took place as part of the international hot air balloon festival in Château-d'Oex. This village in the Vaudois Alps plays host to hundreds of hot air balloons every year in January since 1979.

Geeignet für

  • 0-6
  • 6-10
  • 10-14
  • 14-18
  • 18+
  • 20-40
  • 55+
  • Familie
  • Gruppe
  • Rollstuhl


Inhalt: einfach

Interaktivität: passiv

Drinnen/draussen: draussen


  • Elementarteilchen
Sprachen: Französisch
Wetterabhängig? Nein
Kostenpflichtig? Nein