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Bild: ESO, R. Fosburymehr

American Physical Society (APS) April Meeting in Columbus, Ohio


Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio

The APS April Meeting encapsulates the full range of physical scales, from “Quarks to the Cosmos (Q2C)". Research will be presented on topics from 19 participating APS units including particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, and gravitation. The 2018 theme is a "Feynman Century," which will be broadly examined through speakers and scientific sessions.

APS April Meeting 2018 Columbus, Ohio

SPS offers support for travel for two postdocs/PhD students: check the SPS Travel Awards

APS April meeting website

APS April Meeting 2018 Columbus, Ohio
APS April Meeting 2018 Columbus, Ohio


  • Elementarteilchenphysik
Sprachen: Englisch