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Bild: LaMantarraya, stock.adobe.commehr

Is life with todays standard of life possible using just 2000 Watt per person? Will sustainability become a key factor in economy?

12. Treffen der Parlamentarischen Gruppe «Klimaänderung» vom 21 Dezember 1999


Wetter und Klima (Symbolbild)
Bild: NASA

Dieter Imboden from the ETH Zurich discussed whether present lifestyles could still be maintained with a third of today's energy consumption (2000 Watt). He demonstrated convincingly that this may well be possible by means of combining two strategies: improving the efficiency of converting raw energy into consumable energy by 30% and halving the energy consumption with more efficient technologies.
Reto Ringger, director of the SAM Sustainability Group AG in Zurich, informed about the «Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index», which they developed for Dow Jones. It is computed based on ecological, economical and societal criteria. The Index shows that the stock market performance of the most sustainable companies in a given branch is significantly above average.


Sprachen: Englisch