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SCS Spring Meeting 2019

«Novel Pathways in Materials Science»


09:00 - 17:30


Überlandstrasse 129
8600 Dübendorf


Überlandstrasse 129
8600 Dübendorf

The Swiss Chemical Society Spring Meeting is a one day symposium and provides a high quality program with national and international speakers of a certain topic. It is also the platform for the Werner Prize Ceremony and the Werner Award Lecture.

Icon SCS Spring Meeting 2019
Bild: Swiss Chemical Society, Empa

The topic of the 2019 edition is «Novel Pathways in Materials Science» and the event takes place in the Empa-Akadmie. The organizers, Dr. Brigitte Buchmann and her team invites you to join the event and is looking forward to welcoming you in Dübendorf in early April 2019.


  • Prof. Dr. Edward Sargent, University of Toronto (CAN)
  • Prof. Dr. Mercouri Kanatzidis, Northwestern University, Evanston (USA)
  • Prof. Dr. Jürgen Janek, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (GER)
  • Prof. Dr. Michele Ceriotti, EPFL Lausanne (SUI)
  • Prof. Dr. Christophe Copéret, ETH Zurich (SUI)
  • Dr. Maryna Bodnarchuk, Empa (SUI)

During lunch time the Swiss Chemical Society will hold it's annual General Assembly. All members are cordially invited to join.


  • Hochschule
  • Werkstoffe

Registration (onsite registration is also possible): 30.03.2019

SCS Members: free of charge. If attending as a SCS member you have to bring your SCS membership-card with you!
Non-members: CHF 50.-. Pre-registered participants will get an invoice in advance to avoid waiting at the check in desk or can pay the fee online with a credit card. Pre-registration is possible until March 30, 2019.

If you like to become a SCS member, please register on our website via the following link: http://scg.ch/membership
Sprachen: Englisch