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Bild: Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionmehr

34th SAOG annual meeting


Haute école d’ingénierie et d’architecture
Bd de Pérolles 80
CH-1700 Fribourg

The Science of Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures

SAOG 2018 meeting

The meeting is particularely valuable for PhD students working in the fields of nano-, surface and interface sciences.
This one-day meeting is most likely the best of its kind anywhere.

Invited speakers of SAOG 2018 are:
Ulrike Diebold
TU Vienna, A

Surface science investigations of metal oxide surfaces

Uwe Meierhenrich
U Nice Sophia Antipolis, FR

Rosetta-Philae – the detection of organic molecules on the surface of a cometary nucleus

Christophe Copéret
ETH Zurich, CH

Magic and pitfalls of metal oxide particle surfaces

Nadim Scherrer
Fachhochschule Bern, CH

Surfaces and interfaces in multilayered paint systems – analytical challenges in art conservation science


Abstract submission
Authors are invited to submit an abstract for an oral or a poster presentation via e-mail to karl-heinz.ernst@empa.ch: 11.12.2017

Sprachen: Englisch