Swiss IPBES Info-meeting, 19th April 2016, Bern
First results and open calls of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) + Opening of the Technical Support Unit for Europe and Central Asia
Inform yourself on all current activities and opportunities IPBES is offering, about its first results, and also learn about the new Technical Support Unit for the Regional Assessment of Europe and Central Asia at the University of Bern.

The Swiss Biodiversity Forum, in collaboration with the Federal Office for the Environment, is inviting all interested experts and stakeholders for a national info meeting on IPBES activities and opporuntities.
Institute of Plant Sciences, lecture room on ground floor
13:30 José Romero, Federal Office for the Environment, Bern: Opening
13:45 Hien Ngo, IPBES secretariat, Bonn: IPBES Activities in the IPBES workprogramme 2014-18 and its first products: IPBES Pollination & Scenarios and Modelling assessment
14:30 Andreas Obrecht, Federal Office for the Environment, Bern: "How to respond to the findings of the pollination assessment?"
14:40 Eva Spehn, Swiss Biodiversity Forum, SCNAT: Open calls of IPBES
Outline of the Global Assessment: main themes, timelines.
Scoping of the „Sustainable Use for Biodiversity“ Assessment
How to get nominated as an expert by Switzerland
What does it mean to be an IPBES expert (workload, support)
15:00 Laurence Perianin, Science and Knowledge Unit, IUCN, Gland: Stakeholder Network of IPBES
15:20 Markus Fischer, University of Bern, Co-chair IPBES ECA: Regional assessment for Europe and Central Asia (ECA).
15:40 Amor Torre Marin-Rando & André Mader, TSU ECA, University of Bern: Activities of the Technical Support Unit of the IPBES Regional assessment for Europe and Central Asia in 2016-2018
16:00 Celebration / Official opening of the Technical Support Unit of the Regional Assessment for Europe and Central Asia at the University of Bern
Apero in the greenhouse
17:00 End
IPBES-CH events
- IPBES-CH meeting 2024
- 5th Pan-European Stakeholder Consultation for IPBES (PESC-5)
- IPBES Europa & Zentralasienbericht - Präsentation für die Öffentlichkeit
- Swiss IPBES Info-meeting, 5th May 2017, Bern
- Swiss IPBES Info-meeting, 19th April 2016, Bern
- Swiss IPBES Info-meeting, 3rd of March 2015, Bern
- Kickoff meeting for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) in Switzerland 2012